All the insights/particulars/facts offered on BaggageBee.com are solely mentioned for instructional/informational/general purposes for travelers. We ensure to keep our information as relevant/accurate/entire as it can be. However, we do not offer any warranties/guarantees to the reader consuming our content or making decisions solely on its basis.
We are a third-party website, which provides baggage-related services to travelers. Any contact number or such information displayed on our website is only to inform travelers and not otherwise. Given that, any written information mentioned on this page can be changed without any prior notice to the users/readers/travelers.
As a reader, it’s your responsibility to check the current baggage policies, rules, and restrictions attached to it from the official airlines only. Any advice or further decisions related to your air travel should be done with your respective airlines.
Whilst you may be able to get to other websites or related pages from BaggageBee, we do not/will not authorize those websites. We do not have any authority or control over the content/information/insights/facts/particulars shared on those sites. We do not/will not endorse/recommend/advise any specific travel service and airline in the industry.
If readers/travelers encounter any loss/damage/ caused by the use of this website, we will not be liable for the same. It’s preferable to practice caution, exercise authenticity, and maintain discretion by searching the information beforehand. If you finalize your travel solely based on our given content, we will not be responsible for resolving issues attached to the airline baggage policies.
The site may be temporarily unavailable to the users due to any unspecified situations, which are not in our control. In the meantime, if you face any difficulty/loss by the same, we will not be responsible for the entirety of the same.
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Please note that we, as the countenance of BaggageBee, are fully entitled to change/modify/update this disclaimer at any given point in time.